Using Student Choice

Student choice in the classroom is such a powerful tool to help your students stay focused, ‘buy in’ and be engaged in learning! Here are three ways I like to incorporate student choice in my 2nd grade classroom to foster a love for learning in and out of the classroom.

Take Ownership

One of the best benefits of student choice is that it allows students to take ownership over their learning. When you give students the ability to choose what topics or projects they want to work on, it helps them take responsibility which also increases engagement as students become more excited about the material they are studying.

We already know that engaged students are more likely to participate actively in class discussions, complete assignments with enthusiasm, and develop a genuine interest in the classroom.

But how?? How specifically do we do this in the classroom?

I like to create Google Slides for each section of the day. There are always things we HAVE to do such as curriculum requirements, but it’s all about how it’s presented. For example, in math, my students have to do 4 things: meet with me, curriculum worksheets, hands-on games and tech time. I labeled my slides MATH - (Meet with teacher, Activity (worksheets), Tech time & Hands-on games).

Then, students get to choose from a set of the hands on games they’ve already been introduced to. They also get to choose from which (teacher approved) math games from our classroom Google Site they can play on their Chromebooks. My students seriously moan when it is time to move on. They loved getting to choose their activity and they were SO focused!

Daily Agenda Slides

Use editable daily agenda slides to help plan your day and give students a choice in their learning!

Apply to all Subject Areas

So we know how student choice works in math, but the best part is when you use daily slides for your day, you always have your day planned and student choice activities can be adapted for word work, phonics, reading, writing, science & social studies. Once you have your slides typed up and your systems and routines in place for your students, it is life changing for planning! Your students will get into the routine of transitioning from one activity to the other, and they will also not get bored from finishing too early if you are switching up your stations at a good pace.

In social studies, students might have the freedom to select a topic for their research project and how to show their learning. For example, students can research a historical figure and either create a comic strip, Google Slides presentation, written work, digital poster etc. They not only get to choose the person they are interested in, but also get to choose the way they research and present their work which meets the needs of so many different students.

Differentiation in Student Choice

All students learn and think in unique ways which is why I love using student choice for differentiated learning. Assignments can be tailored to different levels of students in specific groups or how students are completing projects.

When teachers offer a range of options for assignments or projects, you can address the unique strengths and challenges of each student. Students not only feel the ownership of their learning but it also creates such an inclusive learning environment where students are supported and challenged at their individual levels.

Student choice becomes a powerful tool for promoting academic success and personal growth for all learners.

This can work for so many grade levels too! Even kindergarteners can choose from a specific set of picture cards to include the little learners in student choice.

My 2nd graders loved this strategy. And while it does take some time to get your systems in place, the rest of your school year will go so smoothly as you build relationships with your students and help them stay engaged all year long!

If you are looking for an easy way to structure your weeks and plan your lessons, this Daily Agenda Classroom Slides resource will be perfect for you!

If you are looking for an easy way to structure your weeks and plan your lessons, this Daily Agenda Classroom Slides resource will be perfect for you!


Sight Word Task Cards Year Round


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